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Showing posts from December, 2023

Ethiopian Coffee Culture: A Journey Through Legends, Traditions, and Significance

  Ethiopian Coffee Culture: A Journey Through Legends, Traditions, and Significance By Nigussu Dawit Geremme - Coffee Consultant, Content Writer,  Editor](#) , Email Date: 24 December 2023 Source :Pexabay Introduction Ethiopia, known as the birthplace of coffee culture, has fostered an enduring relationship with coffee, deeply ingrained in its cultural fabric. This exploration embarks on the significance of coffee in Ethiopian heritage, reflecting its essence as more than a mere beverage. Ethiopian Coffee Sayings and Language In Ethiopian culture, coffee transcends its mere consumption, weaving into daily life through expressive language. Sayings like "Buna dabo naw" and "Buna Tetu" signify coffee's pivotal role, depicting it not just as sustenance but also as a means of socializing and bonding. The Legend of Coffee's Origin The tale of Kaldi, the Abyssinian goat herder, echoes through generations as the discoverer of coffee. Alternatively, legends attribut